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Why Diving With a Buddy is So Important

Posted on 15 September 2020

Why Diving With a Buddy is So Important

Diving with a buddy is one of the most important rules of scuba diving. It doesn’t matter how experienced or confident you are, you should never be without a dive buddy. When you dive with Gangga Divers you will be assigned a dive buddy on each dive and will be expected to stay close to them throughout the whole dive. If you are wondering why dive buddies are so important, we’re going to do a run down for you. (more…)

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Anemone Habitats: Much More Than Finding Nemo

Posted on 28 July 2020

Anemone Habitas: Much More Than Finding Nemo

Thanks to the movie Finding Nemo even non-divers are aware of the importance of anemones as a marine habitat. Nemo, who is a species of clownfish or anemonefish, lives within the stinging tentacles of an anemone without being hurt. Thanks to a mucus membrane covering their whole body, clownfish are completely immune to the stings of the anemone. (more…)

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5 Reasons to Take Someone You Love to Gangga Island

Posted on 16 June 2020

5 Reasons to Take Someone You Love to Gangga Island

Gangga Island in North Sulawesi is a place to getaway and experience nature and relaxation. There are loads of reasons to go there and we welcome friends, family and singles. However, we think it’s a perfect place to take someone you love. Here are our top 5 reasons why!

1. Get away from it all (more…)

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