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5 Amazing Camouflaged Marine Creatures in North Sulawesi

Posted on 27 May 2020

North Sulawesi has such an incredible range of marine creatures it can be hard to know where to look while you’re diving. However, there are some fish and other marine life that are much harder to spot than others. The 5 we’re talking about today are masters of camouflage and only the most eagle-eyed divers will see them. (more…)

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Top 5 Tips for Avoiding Seasickness on Your Next Dive Trip

Posted on 13 May 2020

Top 5 Tips for Avoiding Seasickness on Your Next Dive Trip

No one is immune to seasickness and even the hardiest sailor can feel queasy at sea once in a while. The nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and even hot and cold flashes can turn a dream dive trip into a nightmare. However, there are some easy ways to prevent seasickness or take the edge off if you do start to feel a bit green. Here are our top 5 tips for avoiding seasickness on your next dive trip. (more…)

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Keeping Gangga Island Resort & Spa Safe From Covid-19

Posted on 27 April 2020

Keeping Gangga Island Resort & Spa Safe From Covid-19

Indonesia has seen relatively low numbers of cases of Covid-19 considering this is a country of some 260 million people. We are very grateful that so far the numbers have been low and most people have recovered quickly.

As in other countries, the Indonesian government has advised that people stay indoors as much as possible and has regulated foreign and domestic tourism. (more…)

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Get Excited About Your Next Trip to North Sulawesi

Posted on 15 April 2020

et Excited About Your Next Trip to North Sulawesi

Are you currently self-isolating or in quarantine? Perhaps you’ve had to cancel a trip because of travel restrictions? This is a tough time for many and we could all do with some cheering up and distraction. Why not start planning a dream trip to North Sulawesi while you have some time on your hands. After all, taking time to make plans for the future is a great way to engage and be positive. Here are just a few of the things you could look forward to on Gangga Island. (more…)

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Turtles of Gangga Island: The First Hatching of The Year

Posted on 01 April 2020

Turtles of Gangga Island: The First Hatching of The Year

Gangga Island is a very special place, and there are moments on the island that are just magical. On March 17th, 2020 staff and management of Gangga Island Resort & Spa were excited to see that a nest of green turtle eggs had hatched and the hatchlings were heading down the beach and out to sea. As turtles only breed every 2-4 years, and only lay on clean, quiet beaches, it was a pretty amazing moment. (more…)

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