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What Makes North Sulawesi so Special

Posted on 29 November 2023

What Makes North Sulawesi so Special

North Sulawesi is a province located on the northern tip of the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. There are several aspects that make North Sulawesi special and an ideal place to spend a holiday. (more…)

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5 Common Misconceptions About Scuba Diving

Posted on 29 September 2023

5 Common Misconceptions About Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is an exciting underwater activity with many benefits. It is great for your physical health and mental wellbeing, but it is surrounded by several misconceptions that can keep people from even trying it out. We’re going to talk about 5 of these misconceptions today and hopefully, if you aren’t already a scuba diver, then by the end of this post you might be ready to get certified (more…)

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The Cultural and Environmental Significance of Manado Tua Island

Posted on 31 August 2023

The Cultural and Environmental Significance of Manado Tua Island

One of the joys of flying into Manado, North Sulawesi is the landscape as you descend into the city. The backdrop of rugged and lushly covered mountains and the sparkling blue of the sea are absolutely breathtaking. However, one of the most mesmerizing features of the view is Manado Tua Island, the cone of a long extinct stratovolcano pushing out of the Sulawesi Sea just off the coast of the city. This volcano holds huge geological and cultural (more…)

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